Building Dreamworlds

The thing with artists is, we are always toying around with new ideas in our minds. Sometimes they come in the middle of the night, or while picking up the kids from school, or ingesting someone else’s art in an entirely different medium! Regardless of the time and place, the ideas never stop, at least not for very long, because often these ideas are a slow burn. A spark that whispers for years, growing with you. 

That’s my personal favorite kind.

One of those ideas I have been watering for 3 years now is to somehow marry the natural world, with that of my memory and meditative spaces I see in my mind and dreams. How can one honor nature while also bringing forth an entirely new visual space into existence?

In truth, I think the answer to this question cannot be solved in a single painting, perhaps not even a single life. But maybe in time I can inch closer and closer to that knowledge and expression.

Here are a few photos of the art that I have been working on that explores these themes. As you can tell I love open, rich spaces! And I find that surprising colors or the use of metallic paint add to the magic I am attempting to capture.

This art will be available next month so be on the lookout for more information on the release!


Dreamworld is OPEN!


Mastering Online Art Classes: 5 Things I Learned from Blue to Bloom